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Evidence for the Aetiological Theories: Genetic

Which genes might be involved? Probably a variety of genes, each exerting a small effect, but which in total raise an individual's risk

  • no single gene abnormality is necessary or sufficient to induce the illness

Recent research has focussed on genes coding for:

a) enzymes involved in Dopamine & Serotonin metabolism

b) proteins which interact with Lithium

Abnormalities at some loci (e.g. on chromosomes 13 & 22) appear to be COMMON to both Bipolar Disorder and Schizophrenia

(See: Baum et al. A genome-wide association study. Molecular Psychiatry 2007and Lachman et al. Linkage studies suggest a possible locus for bipolar disorder. American journal of medical genetics (74) 1997)