Which Statistical Test?

Use the table to obtain informaton on how to carry out the test in SPSS and how to report and present the results.

Move the cursor over the boxes that classify the tests for further details. Click on the statistical tests for more details.

Number of groups / Exposure (Independent) variable

Outcome(Dependent) variable

Continuous and Normally distributed (Parametric)

Continuous and skewed / Ordinal (Non-parametric)

(2 categories)

Time to event

1 group

One-sample t test Sign test /
Signed rank test
Chi-square test /
Exact test
Life tables analysis

2 independent groups

Two-sample t test

Linear regression
Mann-Whitney U test Chi-square test /
Fisher's Exact

Logistic regression
Log-rank test

Cox regression

Paired (related) sample
(2 time points)

Paired t test

Bland-Altman method
Wilcoxon signed rank test McNemar's Test

Kappa statistic
Not covered

>2 independent groups

One-way ANOVA test

Linear regression
Kruskal-Wallis test Chi-square test /
Fisher's Exact Test

Logistic regression
Log-rank test

Cox regression

>2 related samples
(>2 time points)

Repeated measures ANOVA Friedman's Test Not covered Not covered


Pearson's correlation

Linear Regression
Spearman's rank correlation

Linear regression
Logistic regression Cox regression

Epidemiological data

    Sensitivity & specificity



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