Project team
Original course development team
The original course was developed by:
Project manager, lead instructional designer: Dr Sunhea Choi, University of Southampton
Primary author: Dr Reginald Annan, University of Southampton
Primary editor, technical advisor: Professor Ann Ashworth, IMTF
Reviewer: Professor Alan A Jackson, IMTF
Visual design, instructional designer: Misss Elizabeth Ault, University of Southampton
Media creators: Miss Elizabeth Ault, Ms Mimi Lee, University of Southampton
Developers: Dr Matthew Hammerton, Dr George Ke, Mr Andrew Livy, University of Southampton
Dissemination and support
The course was disseminated by:
Dr Sunhea Choi, University of Southampton
Mr Trevor Pickup, University of Southampton
Dr Andy Pulman, University of Southampton
Professor Ann Ashworth, IMTF
New course development team
The course was re-implemented by:
Project manager, instructional designer: Dr Sunhea Choi, University of Southampton
Assistant project manager, media creator: Mr Nicholas Martin, University of Southampton
Reviewer, technical advisor: Professor Ann Ashworth, IMTF
Technical implementation: Vernity Co. LTD