Alex: male, age unknown, 93.0cm, 10.3kg, weight-for-length <-3SD. Alex is very thin with loose skin. He is miserable, irritable and apathetic with oedema. He has severe dehydration.
Annie: female, aged 6 years 1 month, 110.5cm, 16.1kg, weight-for-height between-1 & -2SD. Annie is quite tall but thin. She is quiet. Her father is a widower and struggles with looking after her and her brother, Jack.
Nkosi: female, aged 8 months, 72.0cm, 8.9kg, weight-for-length normal. Nkosi seems to be a happy child. Her eyes are clear and bright. Her skin is healthy and glowing.
Mary: female, aged 3 years 1 month, 80.2cm, 14.6kg, weight-for-height >+3SD. Mary weighs more than her same aged friends but is shorter than them.
Adam: male, age unknown, 74.0cm, 6.0kg, weight-for-length <-4SD. Adam has no oedema. He is very thin and he is living in a refugee camp and his mother is quite ill. He lacks appetite.
Jack: male, aged 3 years 3 months, 85.0cm, 10.0kg, weight-for-height -2SD. Jack is short compared with his friends and he is thin. He is alert. His father is a widower and struggles with looking after him and his sister, Annie.
Ola: female, aged 1 year 1 month, 77.5cm, 7.7kg, weight-for-length <-2SD. Ola has malaria. She has oedema of feet, lower legs, hands and lower arms and has fever.
Paula: female, aged 6 months, 60.0cm, 5.2kg, weight-for-length between -1 & -2SD. Paula is a bit thin with a slightly swollen stomach. She had a normal birth weight and was breastfed for one month. After that, she has been bottle fed and had several episodes of diarrhoea and vomiting due to contaminated water.
Kofi: male, aged 4 years 6 months, 110.0cm, 18.5kg, weight-for-height normal. Kofi appears to have a good weight for his age. He seems happy and calm.
Fatima: female, aged 1 year 8 months, 67.0cm, 6.5kg, weight-for-length between <-1 & -2SD. Fatima has generalised oedema, including feet, legs, hands, arms and face, peeling skin and thin hair.
Sheema: : female, aged 2 years, 67.0cm, 3.9kg, weight-for-length <-4SD. Sheema is very thin with loose skin. She is miserable, irritable and apathetic but has no oedema. Sheema lacks appetite.
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In module 2, you have learnt how to assess the nutritional status of children and interpret the results for malnutrition. Click each child to see their nutritional status. Think about how you will manage their conditions and answer the question below.
Q. Who do you think can be managed in the community? Select all and then click the submit button. Think about why the children, who you have chosen for community management, do not require in-hospital treatment.
Click the reset button if you would like to try again.
Please complete the question.