Glossary (N - P)Netiquette – network etiquette, the do's and don'ts of online communication.

NPOV (Neutral Point of View) - Advises that all significant views can and should be documented proportionally on a Wiki.

NSFW (Not suitable/safe for work) - used in email, videos, and on interactive discussion areas to highlight URLs which may be sexually explicit or include audio containing profanity, helping the user to avoid potentially objectionable content.

NWS (not work-suitable/safe) - see NSFW.

OpenID – A single sign-on system that allows Internet users to log on to many different sites using a single digital identity, eliminating the need for a different user name and password for each site.

Phishing – Attempting to steal personal data by requesting information via electronic spoofing.

Podcast - An audio file that can be downloaded from a web source onto your computer, MP3 player or mobile phone.

Post - A Blog or discussion forum entry.
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