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This module defines malnutrition and describes the signs and symptoms of malnutrition, and the visible and invisible (physiological) changes that occur in malnourished children. It also describes the consequences of the physiological changes in the children for care and management.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this module you should be able to:
• define malnutrition;
• differentiate between acute and chronic malnutrition;
• understand the visible and invisible (physiological) changes caused by malnutrition;
• explain the consequences of the physiological changes in relation to malnutrition management;
• explain why malnourished children need different care.
• differentiate between acute and chronic malnutrition;
• understand the visible and invisible (physiological) changes caused by malnutrition;
• explain the consequences of the physiological changes in relation to malnutrition management;
• explain why malnourished children need different care.
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